This is for you!

1 comment:

  1. HIllarious! I love it!!!!

    WHile I understand, accept, even enjoy the family pew. . . .

    Wait wait wait. . Let's define terms for those who may not be familiar. . . A long time ago churches used to have very long chairs that people shared. Not only were these chairs (pews) not seat seperated, they were not even padded. Other things found in that time period were books called hymnals which were books of music and songs that could be found hanging right on the back of the pew in front of you.

    ok.ok.ok.ok Just a little call out to all those without a faimly pew, or those of you who are in a church with growing numbers . . .
    Could you please (outside of incontanance, mid- service participation (i.e. communion, offering), and babies- scooch to the middle. Please do not continue to sit on the edge and then give the ever so friendly Sunday morning eye roll or huff at the individual you have forced to crawl over you.
