What will get accomplished?

This morning, my children had an appointment. This left me with two hours to clean. . .no, get work caught up. . . no, get my taxes ready. . . no, wander around T.J. Max with no one asking me if we can go now. . . no, go to Panera and read. . . no, sit in my car and read while trying to stay out of crazy land. Well, that is how I spent the first 15 minutes of my two hours.

I decided to go to Panera's, get a cup of coffee and an asiago bagel (not cut and no cream cheese), open my computer and catch up with an old friend the best way that I can right now.

What did I find? A blog that continues to remind me that even with space between sisters, we are still on the same journey. It was a sip of cool water in an otherwise dry time in my life.

I love that I am at a point in my walk an life that I can see and appreciate these seemingly little things as refreshment. I also love and appreciate the people that God has continued to surround me with who love me enough to walk with me and share the sights- sometimes even point them out with/ to me.

This morning Panera and this cyber spot, the murmor of people around me studying scripture, the words of my dear friend, the writings of N.T.Wright, and the omnipresence of God were my sanctuary.

My cup runneth over.

What sanctuaries have you found yourself in recently? Who is not in your presence but still with you on a journey?


  1. Panera sounds so nice! My sanctuary and prayer closet is literally my clothes closet. 2 Corinthians, Tozer and yes, the awesome and unceasing presence of the Father create in me an overflowing cup. Who is Wright? Looking into that. Stay hydrated.

  2. N.T. Wright is an orthodox writer. A great book to start with is, "The Lord and His Prayer". It is an opportunity to look at the Model Prayer with an applicational purpose rather than a prescriptive outline format.
