I came across this thought, that stopped me in my tracks, while reading an article by John Piper.

"When I wrote Future Glory my aim was to show that, in the Bible, motivation for obedience to Jesus is never said explicitly to be gratitude. This is astonishing since many (most?) Christians list gratitude as the main motive for our obedience to Jesus."

He goes on to say that gratitude is such a great and wonderful thing in Scripture. There are ways that gratitude helps bring about obedience to Christ.

One way is that the spirit of gratitude is simply incompatible with some sinful attitudes. I think this is why Paul wrote, “There must be no filthiness and silly talk, or coarse jesting, which are not fitting, but rather giving of thanks” (Ephesians 5:4).

Gratitude is a humble, happy response to the good will of someone who has done or tried to do you a favor. This humility and happiness cannot coexist in the heart with coarse, ugly, mean attitudes.

My thoughts on gratitude will continue...

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