How did they find out?

 ...a daily, food-related list from chefs, writers, political pundits, musicians, actors, and all manner of opinionated people from around the globe.

Guilty food pleasures: they're so wrong, yet oh-so right. From neon-hued mac 'n' cheese to cheeseburger-flavored tortilla chips, seems everybody has one or five ... even say, an editor-in-chief of a major food magazine.

5 Foods I Am (Only Somewhat) Ashamed to Say I Love
by James Oseland

1. Dr. Pepper
"Every time I take a sip of this stuff (I try to limit my annual consumption to no more than three cans), I am reminded of a line I heard someone say on Mary Hartman - the 1970s Norman Lear-produced soap opera satire - when I was about 13 years old: 'Drink it; it’s delicious nectar of the gods.' With its round-noted, cherry-esque flavors, it is exactly that, and more. Forget all the newfangled 'artisanal,' small-batch lemongrass-and-lavender sodas that are popping up like rabbits these days; Dr. Pepper is the most brilliant soft drink out there. Period."

2. BBQ Potato Chips

"All varieties. All the time. From Kettle Chips to Wise to Ruffles, BBQ-flavored potato chips kick ---. They are salty and sweet and smoky and crisp and crunchy, and they come in the most gorgeous, sunset-y hues known to man. Is there anything more you could want from a food? (And they’re even better when washed down with a salt-counterbalancing swig of straight-from-the-can Dr. Pepper - which, in effect, kills two of my long-standing trash-food obsessions with one stone. Oh, rapture without end!)"

3. McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish Sandwiches

"I’m sorry, I know it is the height of foodie irresponsibility even to admit to setting foot inside the Evil Death Star that is McDonald’s, but the mega-chain’s Filet-O-Fish sandwiches are perfection on a bun. (The editor-in-chief of Saveur likes McDonald’s? Call the President!) From the crisp wedge of battered, fried fish to the dainty dab of tartar sauce, they are a miracle of food science. I remember that the first thing I wanted to eat upon returning the States after spending ten months in a South Indian village sleeping on a mat and eating a strict vegetarian diet was a Filet-O-Fish sammy. They are that important to me."

4. Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bars

"Okay, okay, there are some really sophisticated chocolates available nowadays. And, yes, many of those chocolates are produced using cacao farmed under some seemingly great, free-trade conditions. But when I need a chocolate fix, there is nothing more satisfying than a Hershey's Bar. Its velvety mouth-feel and subtle, caramel-like sweetness connect to my pleasure sensors (and to happy childhood memories) in an immediate, primal way."

5. Swiss Miss Creamy Vanilla Pudding Cups

"Admitting to loving this 'food' as much as I do kind of freaks me out. Pudding cups, in all forms, are pretty reprehensible foods, filled with all sorts of incredibly nasty synthetic things. But, God, do they taste good, especially the vanilla variety from Swiss Miss. Its smooth, buttery goodness makes me instantly forget all the bad things I’ve ever said about factory food."

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