Reading from Christine Valters at Abbey of the Arts, where I recently took a Monk in the World e-course, I have enjoyed browsing her site for articles and more information on how to live contemplatively in the world.
In the midst of day to day responsibilities, she suggests being as fully present as you can to the task at hand. When you're in work-mode be fully mindful to it as you engage it. Do only one thing at a time. Multitasking only serves to increase anxiety.
If my task is helping my daughter with eighth grade pre-algebra homework - that is what I do. Being fully present with her. When I am driving, I must be fully present. (The PeWee Valley policemen hold me accountable on this one). On Sunday evenings when I begin to mentally prepare for my week, I must bring my thoughts to that moment and task, releasng concern over what might not be completed.
As I consider these things, where can I be fully present with everyone I meet this week?
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