my journey in a liminal place

Take six years...
~squeeze ~ shape ~ chisel ~

them neatly into a few sentences and you have words that fit me.  Joan Chittister eloquently portrays the feelings of my heart as I continue to grapple with ministry expectations & frustrations and how do they all make sense. 

Her words speak a gentle 'it is okay'...

Lord, it's been your Spirit beside me all along telling me to take another step ~ not get caught up in the mess of my life and be grateful for where I am. 

"I began to experience stillness,
a sense of trust that i would not be forever lost in the confusion, but that
I was passing through a difficult place that would somehow be deeply good
in the end.
Beyond my understanding, I became aware of God with me as steady and as loving in his intent
as he always had been."

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