Dwell deep

"Turn back, dwell deep."  Jerimiah 49:8

"Captain, I suppose you know every sandbank in the river," said a passenger on a Mississippi steamboat in the old days.

"No, I don't," said the captain, who had learned a lot of wisdom from Old Man River.  "It would be a waste of time," he added.

"What! A waste of time?" exclaimed the passenger.  "If you don't know where the sandbanks are, how can you pilot the boat?"

"Yes, a waste of time," the captain repeated.  "Why should I go kicking about the sandbanks?  I know where the deep waters are."

A whole philiosophy can be written in his reply, whether we run a steamboat or pilot our lives through our daily routine.  Let's be honest - we are in trouble either because we do not know where the deep water is, or we are afraid to take the risk!

Unless we have the courage to live deeply, even dangerously, we can hardly live at all.

I belong here...

"He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty"  Psalm 91:1