Spiritual Rhythms:: a RULE OF LIFE

Taken from Arranging Our Lives for Spiritual Transformation by Ruth Haley Barton.

"It is not until we have settled into our desires and named them in God's presense that we are ready to recieve what our hearts are longing for...a ROL is not a glorified self-help project.  It is rooted in the understanding that we cannot transform ourselves...but what we can do is create the conditions in which spiritual transformation can take place.

...there are creative ways of putting {spiritual disciplines} together in a rhythm of life that works for you and great freedom to add other practices and experiences as you feel drawn to them in the future. 

An effective ROL is going to be very personal; it will be tailored to your personality, your spiritual type, your season of life, the sin patterns you are contending with, and the places where God is drawing you and stretching you.  It will be realistic in view of your stage of life and the particularities of your life situation.  It will also be balanced among the disciplines that come easily and those that are more challenging."

I don't know about you, but I yearn for the freedom and peace of a life that is completely engaged with the reality of God.  I long to experience my soul hidden and content in the very depths of God, so that what is seen on the surface is transformed and energized by what takes place in those depths.  That's why I live my life a certain way - intentionally with a rule of life.

What about you? 
What do you long for?

In the words of Thomas Merton,
" Ask me not where I live or what I like to eat...Ask me what I am living for and what I think is keeping me from living fully for that."