Word study:

I came across the word crag and have wanted to do a word study for sometime.  Upon my research, I have realized the LORD led me to this place...

crag  n [krӕg]; a rough, steep mountain or rock, hiding place, cliff or steep bank.

Job 39:28

"Was it through your know-how that the hawk learned to fly, soaring effortlessly on thermal updrafts?  Did you command the eagle's flight, and teach her to build her nest in the heights, perfectly at home on the high cliff face, invulnerable on pinnacle and crag?"

2 Samuel 22:2 

"God is bedrock under my feet, the castle in which I live, my rescuing knight. My God—the high crag where I run for dear life, hiding behind the boulders, safe in the granite hideout..."

Here is the paradox - someone or thing is in need of defense. 

In the verses above, a crag is described as a 'safe place' God provides or grants through the natural world.  A soldier wouldn't stop to build a trench, but would instead try to conceal or protect himself by hiding in his natural surroundings.  Therefore, a crag is a safe spot that a person might find in nature to defend himself against beasts and foes. 

Crag is a metaphor for the Holy One - my Rock.

Lord, I am here.

Seeking direction and yet something more.

a crag...a shelter...a safe place...