"Only if you lose your life for my sake will you find it."

Jesus was talking about those vulnerable times in our lives, those moments when we are asked to shed our armor and to risk relationships.  He asks us to open ourselves to risk trying something new  -so that-  how we have been blessed can be shared.  

But being vulnerable does not mean being weak and allowing anyone or anything to hurt us.  It is actually a great inner strength and conviction which comes from freely choosing to be open to being wounded.  We are all called to be open to loving in the manner in which Jesus loved.

To be vulnerable in this way is to freely choose:
  • to risk speaking even though there is a chance of being misunderstood.
  • to love and continue to love even though there is no positive response from the one being loved.
  • to risk failure in order to discover and use our giftedness to the fullest potential.
  • to stand firm in our convictions.

Joyce Rupp defines being vulnerable as:

"...knowing the paradoxical power in surrendering ourselves to God.  It is to allow the power of God's spirit to take over and move through our being.  It is to know that by ourselves we can do nothing, but with a surrendered heart we can do all things through the one who gives us strength."


Grant me the grace of vulnerability
so that I can surrender my heart to you
and love as you loved. 
Walk with me when I want to run away
from the negatives of life
instead of desiring You to work through me.


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