Praying Terrifying Prayers by Erik Raymond

An opportunity to serve Christ and his church came my way but I wanted to look the other way. I was terrified to even consider praying about it.

Why do we do this? How does it happen?

As Christians we know that transformation is embedded into the fabric of our identity. We are told by Paul to continually have our minds renewed by the truth of Scripture:
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind (Rom. 12:2a)
Our will has to be one of most difficult areas of renewal. We conceptually understand the truth that Christ is Lord and it is his will that we are to salute and submit to; however, it is the practical application of this truth that plagues us all. There is a regrettable gap between knowing and doing. I call this the “Lordship-gap.” This gap is seen vividly in the area of prayer.

In my circumstance I was serving in a church as an Assistant Pastor. The elders asked that I prayerfully consider being sent to plant a church about 20 miles south of our current location. To be honest, I did not want to do it. I did not want to go and I did not want to pray about it. To my shame, I was living in the midst of this Lordship-gap.

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