Is fear an obstacle in your prayers?

Prayer, first of all, is crying out to God from our heart.

The psalmist says, "Give ear to my words, O Lord, and consider my sighing. Listen to my cry for help, my King and my God, for to you do I pray." (5:1,2)

"There is so much fear and agony in us. Fear of people, fear of God, and much raw, undefined, free-floating anxiety. I wonder if fear is not the main obstacle to prayer," writes Henri Nouwen. He goes on to explain that many times we enter into a time of prayer and while the words are forming on our lips we start to sense that huge reservoir of fear. Many times, we want to run away into the many distractions that our lives offer us. He encourages us to confront our fears, give words to them by crying out to God and asking Him to lead our hearts back to the One who says, "Do not be afraid, it is I."

The Psalms are filled with the raw and uncensored cries and agonies of God's people, poured out to God and asking for delieverance. How many times I myself have been faced with unsurmountable circumstances, hatred, and disappointment and have cried out literally to God for help. Each time I do, I dare to show more and more of my trembling self to God. I am learning that my cry, the mere submission of my mind and circumstances in prayer, all play a part in my understanding God's love as it casts out all fears and purifies my thoughts.

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