Search Me, O God

The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord,
searching all the inward parts of the belly.

---Proverbs 20:27

My sixteen year old daughter hasn't felt her best the past few days. One of her eyes was unusually sensitive and tender. The following morning there was swelling and a painful lump on the edge of her eyelid. After self-diagnosing her with a sty, I made a call to our family doctor.

Form a picture of God walking through your body, your personality, your heart. Imagine Him using the Spirit as his candle of light shining it in the dark, sensitive, and painful areas of your heart. "It is not frightening that God desires to straighten, inform and correct for our good because it's also to comfort and encourage us. As we believe that he really does love us, then we can begin to pray heartily..." ---Dallas Willard

My goal is to cooperate with God and respond, "Lord, bring Your light on any area of my life. Examine me, please, and see if there is anything I need to correct. Guide me, Lord, to find out what is wrong and amend my heart."

Dr. Chad, our family doctor, is a trusted friend. When he examines my daughter's physical condition this afternoon, I have no doubt he'll have her best intentions in his care and diagnosis. How much more can we invite our Heavenly Father's diagnosis to straighten and inform us for our good. Psalm 139 says has this to say about His watchful care over us...

" have searched me and you know
hem me in—behind and have laid your hand upon me..."

and with my heart I cry...

"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know
my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me,
and lead me in the way everlasting."
verses 1, 5, 23, 24

"Bring the light of the candle of the Lord to bear upon my life, please."

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