I was a snob today.
I was having breakfast out with a friend at Panera. I ordered a bagel and paused a moment debating if I should drink hot tea or something cold.

I don't usually order tea outside my own kitchen because I like it fixed a certain way. I like the water hot, the tea black, a little milk, and in a tea cup (not paper). Most of the time it comes with tepid water and a Lipton tea bag.

I decided on hot tea.

The cashier points me in the direction of a tall silver air carafe and I wince. Ugh...tepid water. A thought whizzes through my mind about contentment and 'don't sweat the small stuff' and I reluctantly make my tea selection. Hmm...I'm surprised by lot's of good choices. I eagerly chose English Breakfast Blend and set my tray down to fill my cup. A thought faintly returns of the cashier's suggestion to obtain a sleeve for my cup and instantly I realize why. The air carafe is distilling piping hot water and I grin with satisfaction.

This tea snob has found her tea hideaway and I'm so happy!

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