My heart's desire

In an article by David Benner, The Heart’s Desire, he speaks about our spiritual journey being shaped by our own desires. He states, “…more often that we expect, we get what we most desire. This is why it is so crucial that our basic heart direction be solidly grounded in God and that we allow God to purify our desires…”

Do you believe his premise is true in your own life?

My desires do often point to ME – my own gratifications and wants. Thomas Merton said it this way: “Life is shaped by the end you live for. You are made in the image of what you desire.”

A desire for wealth leads to greed, envy, and discontentment. A desire for power undermines compassion and service to others. And a desire for love will lead a young girl into the arms of misplaced devotion.

On the other hand, a desire for God will not lead me down a wrong path. Benner states, “Hunger for God will not go unanswered because it is a gift from God.” The longing I have in my heart is already an answer from God that He desires me. I am struck by the tremendous love God has for me…waiting for me. In seeking, I am found and my desires are fulfilled.

Benner ends the article with this chilling reminder: “Every idolatrous desire—that is, everything that we love and desire more than God—tends to ultimately to diminish our humanity and damage our soul.”

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