Congratulations TESSA!


Graduation Day is a day to mark a tremendous accomplishment. You could not have come to this day without a lot of hard work. There may have been days when you felt that you could not continue, and yet you did.

The moment when you are called up to the stage to receive your diploma, your smile shining brightly in your cap and gown, is a moment to savor.

You can not lose what has now been given to you. Lookout INDIANA UNIVERSITY ~ here she comes!!!

Now go on and take on the world!

Time Flew By So Quickly

We can’t begin to tell you

Just how loved you are

We can’t believe how time has flown

And how you’ve come so far

Forgive us when we stop and stare

And tears fall from our eyes

Time flew by so quickly

Sure took us by surprise

We asked you to stay little

To always be our baby,

You said, 'I'll try if I can, but, I'll have to grow up ~ maybe"

Now here you stand before us

A confident, beautiful young woman,

Strong and determined,

Who always has a warm smile to give.

There are no doubts within our minds

That you'll indeed succeed

Your future holds so much in store

But that smile is all you need.


mama and daddy

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