Life inside my small group...

It's 7:00pm and everyone has had a long day. Some have driven straight to our group from their workplace. Others have hurriedly fixed dinner for their families and rushed out the door; possibly not even pausing long enough to grab a bite for themselves.

Each finds a place around the table assembling their papers and Bible. Our host pours hot water for those who would like tea. No munchies or sweets are on the table, but everyone enjoys something hot to drink on a cold windy night.

Shortly after seven we begin with an opening quote, observation or comment. The thought tonight is based on 2 Corinthians 4:12...

"So death is at work in us, but life in you."

Our discussion centers around how do we experience something of the death of Jesus so that we may also KNOW the power of the LIFE of Jesus?


We need some time to think about this one...most everyone adds to our discussion. Some are quiet and keep to themselves. Silence is welcome and encouraged until the time is right to share.

We are closing out our study tonight on John. We've researched, examined and explored our way through twenty-one chapters.  Each week we took one chapter of John, divided it among eight women and studied a small section on our own. The following week, we returned to share our insights, thoughts, and questions from a week of study.

Tonight, as we move our way around the table, John 21 comes alive with Jesus' challenge to Peter,

“Simon son of John, do you love me?”

and his challenge to us,

"Follow me."

A young woman from our group leads us in our prayer exercise. This is probably the most remarkable portion of our time together. She opens with this statement,

"Our prayer focus is for unity within our group.
Our weekly prayer practices are to encourage that unified position within the body of Christ while we grow spiritually."

She has centered our prayer focus each week around these themes: acceptance, encouragement, love of God, and love of others.

Tonights final prayer discussion was one of our best.

Last weeks assignment: create a 'prayer' using our individual scriptures from 21 weeks of studying John. Pulling those together, organizing, and creating the prayer was a huge task. As members volunteered to read their prayers, we were all overwhelmed by hearing how God's hand is at work in our lives. Each woman expressed words of consecration, devotion, and honesty within our community of Christ followers.

As our evening comes to a close many continued to linger. Seven months of building relationships while studying happened cautiously. Yet strong friendships have been formed. Finding community is a rare and exceptional experience. All of us long for rich friendships. Very few things in life are quite as satisfying as discovering a kindred spirit or two. To find someone who encourages us with their words, insights, and who chooses to join the journey with us is a marvelous blessing from the Lord.

That is life inside my small group.

"... until Christ be formed in you." (Gal. 4:19)

1 comment:

  1. I miss you girls! Please keep me in your prayers, as I keep you in mine. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
