When Christ commanded His followers to 'seek first the Kingdom of God," He was exhorting them to seek to be ruled by God and gratefully acknowledge His power and authority over them. That means that the Christians goal is NOT to strive to rule...but to be ruled.
---Chuck Colson

What does 'being ruled by another' look like in your life?

1 comment:

  1. What do I sant it to look like? . . . i want it to look like that beautiful female dance partner in a captivating, elegant waltz. The partener who is so confident in her lead, that she submitts to his even slightest shoulder lean for direction.

    What does it it look like? All too often I find myself in the "Kitchen dispute". You know where there are two people in the kitchen cooking where one likes it salty, the other a little sweet. . . everytime they stir you go over to the pot and stir it again (perhaps because the soup really would change in taste with the magic of my stir ;) ) This continues until you utter the words. . . "OK. everyone out of my kitchen" -or "This is my kitchen."

    I want to take a moment to evaluate and be proud that I am better than I was three years ago. i want to know that I am am better because I am not the head chef amymore and am only in charge of sauces and salads. HOWEVER, i still STRIVE to to not see many things in life as "my kitchen". I wan tto enjoy the smells, tastes, mopping, dish washing, and stirring When God says take the spoon.
    So, for me it looks like a lot of work, tounge holding, letting go, and desire to enjoy the time in the kitchen perhaps more than the perfect meal.
