
I heard a speaker this weekend: Mark Cahill. This was his topic question:

If you believe in heaven and hell; if you believe in the grace of Christ our Lord and Savior; if you believe in the justice of God; if you believe that the Bible is the Word of God. . .

the question is not how do you tell others, it is- how do you not?

Do you get caught up in the details of service?
I can- do. I want to: know the plan, make a list, practice my presentation, define/ determine non- failure, be able to tell myself- "well done, good and faithful servant."

How do I not. . .
seek out the way to parent each of my children?
study the scripture critically?
ask questions?
develop relationships?
pray to my Father?
feed those who are hungry?
encourage fellow believers?
love another who hates or doesn't know God?
go where he asks me to go?
trust that He is bigger than any judge's decision?

How do I: imperfectly, inconsistently, begrudgingly, willingly, joyfully, obediently . . . AND each time I fall, there is one to pick me up and show me the next step to take, because how can I not . . . take each step in his foot print.

What is God asking you to do?
Personalize this list. "How can I not. . . " Then find the scriptural answers of how you can!

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