Have you ever thought about...

"...differentiating the concept of 'space' from the more tangible 'place'. Space is abstract, vacuous and huge (ala, the universe) while place is concrete, specific and bounded. I know all about different 'places' in my life, but less so about 'space'..."

This quote comes from the book, 'A Christian Theolo
gy of Place' by John Inge. It has an entire chapter devoted to 'pilgrimage' and the journey to a sacred place.

The question
murmuring in my mind this morning is this; would a pilgrimage be right for me? Is God leading me to step into this phase of contemplation and discovery?

To define a pilgrimage is basically where God is leading you in journey or self-examination. Sometimes, it may include a sacred place and now I'm con
templating a sacred 'space'.

What are your thoughts?


  1. The journey of discipleship is the pilgramige to that sacred space of continuous prayer- the recognition of continuous presence of God.

    Sometimes in the terestrial world we need a place to remove sights, sounds, reminders,etc. A place that can remind up of how our world is still keeping us from our intended space.

  2. My life, my email, my spiritual development . . all is pilgrimage.

    I'm wading thru two books now, anthologies and illustrated history of pilgrimage.

    I'd love a copy of Inge's chapter on pilgrimage if it's not too long.

    Labyrinth is pilgrimage simulated for the poor who could not make the big journeys.

    "Jesus set His face toward Jerusalem . . ."

    We can make the trip in late July a pilgrimage . . . a spiritual journey, intentional . . . . see Narnia's opening scenes when the kids go out of the cave from the underground and thru a cave and on to a beach . . . I'll take you there.
