I became a Christ follower on March 15, 1973 at the age of 11. I came from a whole family of Sunday ‘Go-To-Church-Believers’…AM and PM. My ‘religious heritage’ looks like a hodge podge: Church of Christ (non-instrumental), Nazarene (skirts and all), Christian Church, an atheist or two, and many undecided.

I spent my youth involved in various youth meetings, camps, and retreats. In my middle school years, I was invited to a girl’s home Bible study led by a Godly older woman. That one event altered the course of my life.

So I was just curious to know something, where ever you are in life…

How did you arrive there?

What or who influenced you?

Are you pleased with where you are?

1 comment:

  1. I remember sitting in an impressive Methodist sanctuary when I was quite small. The goal was to please my grandmother by not being a distraction.
    Later when I stayed overnight with a friend from school, I'd go with her on a bus to a nearby Baptist church.
    My dad, thinking he should be more involved in my spiritual development, accepted the invitation of friends to go to their church. Because he had seen such a difference in their lives, the integrity of their faith and what God had obviously done in them, he trusted the church they invited us to. We went that first Sunday and every Sunday after that for a long time.
    While it did not revolutionze my family in every way, and did not preclude a divorce some years later, that invitation, from the Parkers, changed my life and the lives of those I've been able to connect with.
    Being discipled, taught, invested in, loved by godly people at BCC filled in gaps God knew would develop in my heart.
    Being accepted, no, expected at the dinner table of my friends' family on Tweedy Lane, and in fact more or less adopted ever since, has been immeasurable as part of the safety net God provided for me.
