My War on Clutter

You never really know just how much stuff you have accumulated until it is time to move. The sad thing is...we've moved four times and it doesn't get any easier. Each time I have "donation" and "toss" piles, but even after that there is still so much stuff. With that said, I've officially moved into 'packing' mode. I'm beginning to think about sorting, bundling, assembling, and classifying my house. It could be spring in Indiana or a sign in my front yard that announces...House For Sale. Because of this, I'm cleaning out the deep dark corners that haven't see the light of day for almost four years.

So now the daunting task of fitting our things into yet a smaller space will be quite an accomplishment. After twenty-four years of marriage, three teenagers, and a taste for thrift can be a difficult task. So far the purging is going fairly well, but the packing is rather slow. Eliminating a few of our larger belongings will help with squeezing it all in.

This morning (very early) I cleaned my office, my closet, my garage, underneath my bathroom sink, and Clara Taylor's room. I purged our home of:

- two ginormous TVs that even the Goodwill wouldn't take

- many, too many, books

- 6 garbage bags of clothes and shoes.

- a leather bench with rips on the top.

- 6 gallon size paint cans. I have re-painted so many times that they were no longer necessary to hold on to for touch ups

- 2 lamps that my parents gave me for my girls 'nursery'

- miscellaneous yards tools

- a wooden picture frame that was going to be spray painted 2 years ago

- two random 6ft wood sticks

-broken water-pik

-an old rusted Gourmet Charcoal Smoker

-remnants from Murphy's office cleaning back in April

-two twisted non-compliant water hoses

Most of the items listed above needed to be eliminated from the Belding homestead months ago. So purging them was sensible, but difficult. I had several moments of weakness while standing in my closet or my garage. It sneaks up on me so quickly. What if you might need this when you decided to...? What if you might wear this when you lose weight, again???

Do you have deep dark corners that need purging?

Yeh? Okay, then...tell us about it...

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