
May your kingdom come...

...yet do we pray that seriously?

What would happen in your life and mine, in your community and mine if we really took this prayer seriously for all of life?

1 comment:

  1. N.T. Wright says this about the purpose and potential of this prayer: "But the eucharist is also the place where we can come with our own physical, psychological, emotional and spiritual needs, and lay them before the God to whom all desires are known.. . . So, finally, the eucharist is the place where, precisely as the people of Christ, we have the responsibility to come on behalf of those in desperate need, not least hunger. . . . THe next time you come to the Eucharist, bring with you, in mind and heart, someone yo know, or know of, or have seen on television, who desperately needs God's bread, literally or metaphorically, today. Bring them with you; let them kneel, in your mind's eye, with you at the alter rail; and let them share the bread and wine with you. And, as you return, strengthened by God's food, ask yourself what this new friend would mean when she or he prays 'Give me this day my daily bread'. Then ask how you might be part of GOd's answer to that prayer."

    I continue to think, Do I like to be helpful or do I seek to serve?

    Lord, give me sight to see my burdens no matter where they lay.

