If I had known then what I know now

...in having babies.

The wife of my co-worker recently gave birth to their first child, Ezekiel. When I visited them in the hospital, all the memories of my first hours of being a mama came flooding back to me.

I remember the fragrance of their skin, the wonderful way they felt next to my body when I held them tight, and the squeaky noises they all made. How could I forget their contented looks when their belly was full. I remember thinking ~ they are mine ~ a part of me and I love every ounce of them.

In a conversation this week with one of my daughter's, she was describing the sheer delight of a young toddler she cares for when his father returns home. When the garage door begins it's upward trek the squeals begin and don't end until 'daddy' comes through the door.

"One day, if my children do that to me when I come home, that would be so great!"

Oh, they will ~ they'll continue to be a blessing everyday ~ just by the gift of their presence.

If I had known each one of my girls would crazy bless me everyday ~ I would have had a dozen more!

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