What is “engagement” and why should anyone care?

Engagement is the emotional commitment someone has to their organization and the organization’s objectives. When we care more, we give more discretionary effort. Whether we are in sales, service, manufacturing or leadership, we will give more, the more engaged we are. Not only is this good for a company’s bottom line, but when we are engaged at work, we also end up being a better spouse and parent, and we have improved health outcomes.

The biggest impediment {to Engagement} is the senior leaders themselves. Either they don’t truly get why engagement is important, or they think it’s important but think the answer lies in corporate-driven initiatives like casual Fridays or a summer picnic. Instead, they need to realize that most of engagement comes from one’s relationship with his or her boss. It has to be a grassroots effort driven at the front lines.
Kevin Kruse is a New York Times bestselling author, former CEO, speaker, and a blogger. His newest book is Employee Engagement for Everyone.


  1. Thanks for you well written article.. what about things like taking breaks, celebrating small successes, or organizing your desk and office differently, I things these things can have an impact not only on happiness but on our productivity too.
