Overcoming fear...

John Berendt, author of Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil used to call his NY phone machine from Savannah and read his work aloud.

Gay Talese hung his manuscript on a clothes line and viewed it through binoculars when he needed distance from his writing.

Eudora Welty "cut and pasted" her text using scissors and push pins.

Nelson Algren spent years pretending to look for a mugger so he could eavesdrop at the local police station lineups.

Elizabeth Berg plays a game involving license plates to find out what she is thinking.

Carol Shields meditates on the dictionary to get in the mood to write.

Lawrence Block checks into hotels for 6 week stretches to finish a book.

Leslie Marmon Silko painted a snake on the side of her building to get unblocked.

Maurice Sendak can spend a full year writing a 32 page book.

William Styron wrote Sophies Choice because of a dream.

Robert Olen Butler created a series of short stories improvising on the headlines in a tabloid newspaper.

Scott Adams, creator of Dilbert does daily affirmations.

Amy Tan listens to movie soundtracks while she works.

Sharon McCrumb creates musical soundtracks for her books.

William Saroyan wore a hat while he wrote.

John Steinbeck started every writing day with a letter while working on East of Eden.

Charles Dickens walked one hour for every hour he wrote.

John Sayles goes swimming when he is stuck.

Douglas Adams takes a bath when he needs inspiration.

Luisah Teisch relies on a kitchen timer she calls Minerva to keep herself motivated.

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