TO: my girls

Two quick things.

I've noticed you bickering with each other in the house and car lately. When I hear your harsh words for one another it makes me sad and THEN it drives me crazy. There are moments when I'm inclined to give you a little rein, but please please try to speak encouraging words. You know what I've always said,

'Friends come and go ~ but you'll always have your sisters.'

I give your bickering space sometimes due to the fact that I've seen you stand up for each other out there. I hope you'll always do that, stand up for each other that is. You're family and that word means something. It gets rather diluted in our current 'globe-headed' society, but I want the three of you to hang together in good times and bad.

If and when you're married with kids, or even if you're not, I want you to call each other. I don't do that enough with my brother, and it grieves my heart because only God knows how much I love him.

And while you're at it ~ call your parents too! You don't have to talk long, just let me hear your wonderful voices and plans for the day. Reassure me that you're alright ~ because you know, that's really all that matters to me as your mama.

You've been born into a loving family ~ not everyone has the treasure of a family.


Be kind and respect the young and the old.

Our life verse for the three of you ~

"Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."
Proverbs 4:23
all my love,

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