Quotes of the Week

"...hope that we would listen for the Voice that bids us come to the edge, and that we would welcome the gentle push of God...who is both our wings and the wind that bears them up."
Meister Eckhart

"We can stand affliction better than we can prosperity, for in prosperity we forget God."
Dwight L. Moody

"To hold onto the plough while wiping our tears...this is Christianity."
Watchman Nee

"The Christian constantly lives in a series of tensions between one reality and another. There is the tension between the reality of things that are and the things of faith. There is also the tension between being worldly wise and spiritually true; between being relevant and faithful; and between longing for heaven, yet working actively for change on earth. These tensions will probably be permanent with us. But Christs incarnation does point the way for us. There God embraced both the world and sought to redeem it."
Dietrich Bonhoeffer


  1. bonhoeffer's comment relates to the liminal space I was telling you about.

  2. This liminal space that Bonhoeffer describes seems torturous. How do we move beyond. Are supposed to be in this state?
    I want more info!!!
