Shopping List...

I'm a list maker.
I can't help it.
I'm addicted.

I have lists for groceries, things I want to do this weekend, gift ideas for birthdays & holidays, things to pack for my trip, things I want to do next weekend, ideas to blog about, bills to pay, movies to watch, books to read this summer, people to call back, idea's about Bible study teaching, projects or school assignments due before school breaks for the summer, cities I want to visit, restaurants I'd like to dine in, thank you notes to write, and lots more! I've read about a hand held gizmo that creates lists for you! There is even a website, Listology, dedicated to helping anyone become a list maker. I'd be lost without a list!

Here's my list for today...
  1. Clara Taylor starts school and plan out rest of week
  2. send email to couples small group...conversation Sunday evening
  3. pack lunch for Murphy's trip to Louisville
  4. drop off Madeline's library books and pick up Tessa's
  5. return dress at Charlotte Russo
  6. return pants at TJMaxx
  7. Walmart: gum, fingernail polish remover, bread, strawberries
  8. mail parcel at post office for Jill
  9. pick up girls @ 2:35
  10. take Clara Taylor to Hamilton Hgts @ 3:00
  11. take Madeline to allergy shot @ 3:45
  12. Pick up Clara Taylor @ 6:00
  13. Drop off Madeline at Heller's to babysit @ 6:30
What kind of list did you make today?
What's on your grocery list right now?

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