A thought provoking post from a fellow blogger...Ben Arment.

In Purple Cow, Seth Godin describes otaku - the Japanese concept of near obsession-like passion. He describes Howard Schultz's coffee 'otaku', the Fast Company business 'otaku', and others...

Moleskin So I was trying to figure out what my otaku is... hmmm, not food (I've eaten Chef Boyardee unheated off the shelf), and it's not cars (I dread oil changes). But then I realized it's Books.

I've actually purchased or rejected books based on their cover design, typeface leading and page texture. When I think about writing a book ~ and I'm working on it ~ I think about size, shape and feeling as much as I think about content. It's like inventing a book, rather than writing one.

My otaku.

What is your 'otaku' ???


  1. In HIs time!!!. . . Had you written this before we talked yesterday? Hillarious. What is this journey we are on shoulder to shoulder- It is getting more and more exciting for me!!!!!

    Anyway, My otaku:

    Study and facilitating discovery.
    A side note: If any readers were my high shcool teachers, you do not need medical attention for the pains you are having. You are simply in a state of shock and it will slowly subside :)

    I could read and question and study text and words 18- 20 hours a day and feel like I had only been in my seat an hour.
    Nothing "cranks my tractor" more than someone saying here is who I am talking to and here is what I need them to hear or understand. . .and then going. There is no hesitation. I become obsessed with the puzzle of curiculum in general as well as an applied "lesson" to help someone "get it"!

    HHHHMMMMMMM that is my otaku- It is like a drug I tell ya!

  2. I have too many to count!

    I'd go with books too. Now just to read them all. . .

    How about geocaching?
    Hmm, not a full on otaku, but it could be.

    Blogging could be obsessive too.

    Ok, I'm gonna seeks counsel and try to narrow it down.

  3. I'll come clean with my otaku's along side my confessing friends: white T-shirt (Murphy will give testimony), sachets/purses/bags/totes of any kind, DP, and finding a circle of ladies who desire to delve deep into God's word.

    Whew...I feel better!

  4. Okay. Guess I'll finally jump in here rather than just lurking and reading all of the great fun you all have been having!

    My otaku.....well, you won't be shocked to hear that music is a huge one. Closely followed by podcasting. What's wrong with a chick who sits and listens to hours of sermons and speakers on end?????

    Then we'd have to move on to coffee, chocolate, etc....
