A list of things I love...

This morning I bent back a page of my journal and quickly wrote at the top,

"A List of Things I Love..."

I fill in the first slot, which is easy for me...READ, READ, READ! Then I leave the remaining nineteen slots on the page for my 'ponderings' tonight. Minutes ago, it took me not quite seven minutes to complete my list of 20 things I love.

Try it. Number your page and see if you can write down twenty things you LOVE... in under seven minutes. Why did I time myself? It made me more intentional about what I wrote.

Here's a few of mine...
  1. hot pizza with crunchy stuff like gr. peppers, mushrooms, and onions
  2. discovering an old bookstore and I have time to browse
  3. LAUNDRY: the cleaning, the folding, the sorting, and organizing for my family!
  4. pulling on Levi's, a white T and black belt for the day
  5. for one of my girls to slip their hand or arm in mine
  6. moving around or relocating furniture within my house (or yours!!)
  7. to bake w/ yeast...
Don't be shy...post a comment and let me know your time. AND if you dare...share pieces and parts of your list!

1 comment:

  1. I've linked to you on conversationsatintersections.blogspot.com on 17th so maybe more people will chime in with their lists!
    Mine would include sunshine, a good read, tea with a friend, finding something I actually NEED onsale . . . good health
