Andy Stanley Providential Relationships

Can you identify certain relationships throughout your life that have been providential? They might have been from an acquaintance who spoke a word of truth to you. Maybe your relationship with a youth leader, college roommate, or a wise grandparent and what they said has stayed with you to this very day. Maybe it was a conversation with a co-worker, or just doing life with someone and you noticed a change within you.

If you think back over these moments, most likely they are associated with relationships. If you are like most people, you can’t tell your life story without referencing people who played significant roles along the way.

The opposite can also be true in our relationships. Consider bad decisions or choices you made and most likely they were influenced by a relationship that undermined your life with God. How many regrets do we carry because of a choice that was made that sent my life with God into a nose dive. Think about the people you wish you'd never met.

What we know for certain is that God uses people to impact our faith. And as Christians, we need to leverage the relationships that He brings our way.
  • Do you have someone right now...pursuing you in your walk with God?
Remember...put yourself in places where you will be exposed to the right people...

Proverbs 13:20
Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.

1 Corinthians 15:33
Do not be misled: "Bad company corrupts good character."

Your friends will determine the direction and quality of
your life. That was true when we were fourteen and it is true when
we are forty.
--Andy Stanley

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