It's been a CRAZY WEEK...

After a seventeen year career of being a stay-at-home mama, I have taken a leap back into the working world!

Obviously I’ve not had much time to upload anything, much less even read through my emails and such. Returning to the world of working women "outside the home" has been a stressful transition. Happily though, I now join the millions of women who commute to work each day.

During my time at home, I've been a home educator for our three girls. My husband and I have always had a plan with home educating our girls: K-6th grade at home and then off to school away from home.

Now it seems strange to have my girls starting back to school and I'm not involved in it. I knew that I would one day return to work to help with the expenses of college/books/fee's etc. But boy did it sneak up on me! It seems like yesterday they were all under the age of ten and I was searching for 'grown-up conversation' or time away 'alone' at Walmart!!

I mentioned casually to a friend with busy little girls the other day, "When my girls were younger I felt the 'physical' stress of caring for them, now I have the 'mental' stress of wondering if they drove and arrived safely at their destination, etc.".

This is the first few minutes of free time I think I’ve gotten this week. I'm still working on my schedule for cooking, cleaning, and general help around the house. I do have three perfectly able-bodied teenage girls who are jumping at the chance to help me. (I'll keep you posted on their progress). But thanks for understanding about the lag time in posts and such.
I'm back...

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