Want to do something your child will never forget?

Write them a meaningful note.

It's not an instructional note…we do that enough…it's a note of encouragement.

Why a note?
Your child will read it and absorb it without interruptions. They'll receive it without pressure… without having to think about how to respond. Include three things in the note.

  • First, let them know that you love them for who they are.

  • Second, describe and praise them for their unique talents, gifts and abilities.

  • Third, tell them what you want them to remember about your relationship. Here are some ideas to help you begin writing your note. And use this stationery to write your note on.

    Here are a few ideas when writing a meaningful note to your child:

    1. Let them know that you love them for who they are. For example, I might write to my child, "I love you for just being you. You are an incredible young man (or woman), a child of God created with infinite value and worth. I love you always, no matter what."

    2. Describe and praise them for their unique talents gifts and abilities. You might say something like this. "For many years I have noticed that you are a leader. Your friends like to follow you in what you do. You have a magnetic personality and other people like to be around you."

    3. Tell them what you want them to remember about your relationship. For example, you could say, "I want you to always remember that spending time with you was a #1 priority for me. Just being with you was something I always cherished."

Thoughts taken from Family Minute and Mark Merrill


  1. i think about doing this sometimes. My boys have dyslexia and often don't 'get' what they read, so I wonder how beneficial it'd be- as reading(with comprehension) can be a big ask sometimes.

    I might just try it anyway. Probably should-
    it'd not hurt to try it out.

  2. Kaber...

    Maybe if you read the letter to them. Maybe just hearing you read it to them ~ knowing you had choosen special words just to describe your love for them, they would 'hear' that...
