Monday nights and Relationships

~Monday Nights~

My cup is full.

I know God better tonight because of six women who sat around a table and shared their love for the Lord. In our dialogue, we asked questions and pondered facts. We listened to what was said and that which was held within for another meeting. Inquires were made to clear away the clutter of details and help articulate what had been said.


Here is a list of what those six women mean to me and what they can do in my life. They give ...






appreciation and honor



When contemplating relationships in our lives, women sometimes choose to journey alone. Others decide to live and experience their days with others. Some will say 'yes' to God by joining a Bible study even though it might appear daunting or scary. I have choosen to engage with six wonderful women on Monday nights and instead of just existing ~ we are growing into a small community of trusted friends.

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