Multitude Mondays ~

Here's my 'belated' list...
  1. Three healthy daughters.
  2. The man who mows my yard.
  3. Cars that start when I turn the key.
  4. Conversations in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning.
  5. Forecasters who predict beautiful weather for the weekend.
  6. Long walks in the early evening with my daughter, Madeline.
  7. A lunch hour spent reading and journaling my thoughts.
  8. Sitting down to dinner w/ my family ~ gathering hands & praying together.
  9. A steaming how dilmah w/ milk.
  10. The newness of spring ~ bright colors that wash away the gloominess of winter.
  11. Spiritual awakenings yet unknown ~ waiting to be discovered w/in the books on my shelf.
  12. Being in a "dressing room" with my girls ~ giggling about nothing important but loving every minute of the silliness.
  13. Clara Taylor's determination to get my attention ~ eye to eye~ to tell me every detail of her day at school.
  14. The grand opening of a NEW Goodwill store.
  15. A House of Worship ~ where Truth is spoken and shared.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!I just started following you a few days ago, and I LOVE YOU! I'm not sure if I am reading this post right, but if it is your blessing/wish list, then we are SO on the same page!
    Life is Good! God is Great!
    Sending Blessing your way!
    Awesome Blog! Beautiful family!
