Leading who?

I'm working my way through a book called The Leadership Challenge Planner : An Action Guide to Achieving Your Personal Best. 

In my day-time job :) - I am in the beginning stages of planning and evaluating several projects for 2012.   This leadership resource has helped me recognize several area's I need to challenge my negative assumptions and think out of the box to achieve my best performance.

Surprisingly, I have also been blessed by several new techniques and wise reminders in parenting.  As the mother of THREE teenage girls, I can use all the help I can get!

Here is a quote from Kouzes-Posner explaining a leadership practice that easily transfers over into parenting...

Leaders (parents) have a desire to make something happen, to change how things are, to create something that no one else has ever created before...

This image of the future pulls them forward.  Yet a vision seen only by a leader is insufficient to create an organized movement or a significant change in company.  A person with no constituents is not a leader, and people do not follow until they accept a vision as own.  LEADERS CANNOT COMMAND COMMITMENT; THEY CAN ONLY INSPIRE IT.

To enlist people in a vision, you as a leader (parent) must know your constituents (child) and speak their language.  They must believe that the leader (parent) understands their needs and has their interests at heart.  Only through an intimate knowledge of their dreams, hopes, aspirations, visions, and values are you able to enlist support.  LEADERSHIP IS A DIALOGUE, not a monologue. 

Do you agree with my parenting application?

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