"...it is the process of intercession that brings our greatest reward rather than the product. The most profound privilege of a prayerful life is not in getting answers to prayer - as amazing as that can be - but through the intimacy we experience with the Lord of the universe, who delights to share the secrets of His heart with us...'
This incredible reality, that I serve a God who not only answers prayer but also offers me tender intimacy, is beyond my comprehension. I am reading a wonderful book, Intimate Intercessor : The Sacred Joy of Praying for Others (by Tricia Rhodes), that demystifies the discipline of intercessory prayer. Have you ever considered...
- What would happen if you actually believed that intercessory prayer could be the greatest adventure of your life?
- What if you understood that the God of the universe is willing to share His heart with you so that you can 'stand in the gap' between Him and needy people every day?
- Is it possible that our prayers for others and for our world might be one of the ways God provides for us to express the deepest creative urges of our souls?
I am being challenged in how the Lord desires to use me to uniquely intercede for others in the context of my everyday life. Rhodes states, "Intercession is a spiritual discipline fraught with paradox. It can be as mysterious as a shooting star...and as mundane as breathing. Sometimes it feels like a dance, but more often like a labor of love."
This is so simple. Her words are encouraging me to pray more - realizing I have the Spirit's heart of intercession always beating within me. I am enjoying this book for the simple reason that it makes me want to pray.
"He who searches the hearts knows what is on the Spirit's mind, because he makes intercession for the saints according to God." Romans 8:27
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