Clutter. Do you got it? Part 1

Who does this belong too?
What is it?

Where did we get it?
When will we need it?
Why save it?

How have we collected so much?

We love stuff. We hate stuff.

Unless you've spent years hidden away searching after the simple monastic life, I'm betting you encounter the clutter battle everyday. We are at war with bits and pieces of daily life, things that amass before our very eyes, and this doesn't even include the stuff our kids gather and add to our piles. Conquering clutter is a daily struggle not to become submerged in the broken, forgotten, unusable, or just useless objects that populate our homes. " We are engaged in a desperate guerrilla campaign against a faceless enemy that had insinuated itself into every crevice and nook..." of my home, states David Dudley in Conquering Clutter.

Chances are you've had days when you felt overwhelmed by the battle of clutter and feel buried by your possessions. We all know what it looks like--the clothes spilling from the drawers, dishes and nick-knacks overwhelming the cabinets, and the accumulation of so much stuff in the garage we can't even park our cars where they belong.

Where does it all come from? How does clutter begin it course of overtaking me? Have you ever said...enough is enough?
  • Give me the number one cause of clutter in your life.
  • Let's make a list of the obstacles we face and find a helpful solution to battling clutter.

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