Greatness Doesn’t Always Look Great

"We need to we often think that lack of success or favorable circumstances means we’re on the wrong track. We think, I must be doing something wrong because things aren’t turning out so well. But today’s blessing is about knowing God. Here. Now. While still on earth. That’s why spiritual giants often come clothed in hiddenness and humility and their achievements go unnoticed (yet still carry a power that affects others). Their greatness emerges from who they are with God and their attachment to God - not their outward circumstances. May we be thrilled to be connected to God and not rate our (or others’) spirituality based on outward circumstances. May we be alert to the hidden spiritual giants hidden among us, from whom we can learn so much."
---Jan Johnson

1 comment:

  1. Recognition and appreciation of the "joined journey"!

    I love it!!!!
