"Without prayer the Christian life, robbed of its sweetness and beauty, becomes cold and formal, and dead; but in the secret place where God talks with his own, the Christian life grows into such a testimony of Divine power that all men will feel its influence and be touched by the warmth of its love...that, surely is the purpose of all real prayer and the end of all true service..." E.M.Bounds

I have always had an interest in various aspects of the Catholic faith. To slip into the cool, dark sanctuary of a cathedral with its gazing statues of saints and glowing candles. Intrigued, I would observe individuals kneeling on benches and whispering their prayers. I might catch a quick glance of the beads they whispered to. I couldn't hear their prayers, but as they quickly kissed them and slipped the beads into their pocket, I sensed they were a cherished part of their prayer life. I didn't know what those beads were or how they were used, but I knew I wanted some.

In the past few weeks, I have come across a book, Bead One, Pray Too by Kimberly Winston. I had no idea creating my own string of beads (above picture) would set me on a path of prayer that has transformed the way I contemplate God and my relationship with Him.

As I am only at the beginning of my prayer bead discovery, I am still in the learning stage. After a week or so of praying with my beads, I have noticed they help me concentrate and pray more intentionally. The usual chatter within my mind as I pray, has become a silencing stillness. As I pick up my beads to pray, my spirit seems composed and intent as I begin. As I finish, I can only describe a sense of serenity and peace pervading my heart and mind.

I am eager to hear of your experiences with prayer beads...thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I think this would be a wonderful idea for prayers. I am often distracted and always looking for another way to stay on track. I would love to chat with you more about this.
