a promise to my daughter...

I promise to stop insisting that you be like me.  God made you in His image and not mine. 

I can easily slip and with my actions say

 'You need to be like me. 
You need to think like I think. 
You need to like the things I like. 
The things I was good at in school, you should be good at in school.'

I don't want you to think you can't be yourself.  Or feel that the only way to get love, acceptance, or approval is to be like me. 

Someone has said, "Kids are not things to be molded; they are people to be unfolded".  I want to make it my goal in life to help you unfold your life into the image God created you to be.  I want to help you discover who you are in God's design, not mine.

You were made in the sovereignty of God - perfect in every way.  You were wired in a way that you had nothing to do with but God is forming each day. 

I love you with all my heart.


1 comment:

  1. You have spoken for me! I have two daughters! Bless you!
