Being honest in reflecting about the condition of our soul and can be uncomfortable and possibly humiliating. However, if we are willing to listen to our uneasiness, it might lead us to important changes that will save us.

One way I 'listen' for the busyness and chaos in my life is journaling. Daily, in one form or another, I put in writing what's happening inside of me: my thoughts, attitudes, inclinations, fears, and my hopes. From the mediocre moments to the exceptional, I write it all down. This process releases something in my brain that allows me to continue with my day. Many times I feel a sense of urgency to understand everything that happens to me. With journaling, my daily experiences or struggles leave my thoughts and enter the written page as a prayer offered to God.

I'll close with a prayer from Barton's writings,

O God of such truth as sweeps away all lies,
of such grace as shrivels all excuses,
come now to find us
for we have lost ourselves
in a shuffle of disguises
and in the rattle of empty words.

Let your Spirit move mercifully
To recreate us from
The chaos of our lives.

We have been careless
of our days
our loves
our gifts
our chances…

Our prayer is to change, O God,
not out of despair of self
but for love of you,
and the selves we long to become
before we simply waste away.

Let your mercy move in and through us now…

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