A centering prayer...

Breathe in the breath of God,

Breathe out your cares and concerns,

Breathe in the love of God,

Breathe our your doubts and despairs,

Breathe in the life of God,

Breathe out your fears and frustrations.

We sit quietly before the One who gives life and love to all creation,

We sit in awe of the One who formed us in our mother’s wombs,

We sit at peace surrounded by the One who fills every fiber of our being.

Breathe in the breath of God,

Breathe out your tensions and turmoil,

Breathe in the love of God,

Breathe out your haste and hurry,

Breathe in the life of God,

Breathe our your work and worries,

We sit quietly before the One who gives life and love to all creation,

We sit in awe of the One who formed us in our mother’s wombs,

We sit at peace surrounded by the One who fills every fiber of our being.


from Mustard Seed Associates (MSA) is a community of Jesus’ followers all over the world striving to create the future one mustard seed at a time. MSA provides resources and a network for committed followers of Jesus to anticipate the future, decode the culture, convey the Kingdom of God , and create new ways of being a difference and make a difference.

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