A challenge about...praying

"...God Incarnate is God on ground level, and if we can move towards him, he can move towards us. That is worrying, because we would often prefer to be left alone. It is splendid to have a God we can talk to whenever we wish, but it is highly inconvenient to have one who is free to walk into our lives and rearrange them whenever he chooses. We could bolt the door and huddle nearer to our fire, but since a personal God is everywhere, there is nowhere to hide. He made the wood which made the door; it knows his voice. The close domesticity of the Creator is precisely one of the fearful things about him. Maybe only in heaven will familiarity and awe be resolved."

Linette Martin
Practical Praying

  • When we pray, why do we sometimes talk to God as is he were some teddy bear in the sky?
"Prayer is not safe because God is not safe."
---L. Martin

'Enter into the rock and hide in the dust from before the terror of the LORD, and from the splendor of his majesty.'
Isaiah 2:10

1 comment:

  1. I love that L Martin quote, especially the bit about the wood knowing his voice. I linked to you. Thanks for reminding me of this one.
