For the love of reading...

I'll admit it...I'm a Bibliophilia
(a lover of books).

Some days I might consider myself a bookworm.

I love books for their content and to learn, to be intrigued, to escape to other places or just be entertained. Reading is wonderful.

I love to admire, browse and collect books, nurturing a large and specialized collection throughout my home.

I don't necessarily need to possess all the books I read and admire; an alternative might be to peruse them in an old dusty book shop or my local library.

Over the next several days, I'll post excerpts some of my favorites.

The authors include C.S. Lewis, A.W. Tozer, Linette Martin, Kathleen Norris, Daniel Wolpert, Larry Crabb, and Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend

I invite your thoughts and comments no matter how short or long!

1 comment:

  1. Bibliophilia!!!!! It's Me! It's Me! Thanks for the defining. :-)
