Learning scripture

I found a wonderful book last weekend at Goodwill - Scripture by Heart : Devotional Practices for Memorizing God's Word.  The author, Joshua Kang explains that our minds are filled with feelings, ideas, images, ways of reasoning, habits of thoughts, memories and expectations of various kinds.  They shape our actual beliefs and guide our actions.  Many of these are enslaving, harmful, and false.   It is in this area more than anywhere else that our minds must be renewed for the sake of transformation of our whole life in godliness.

In my reading so far, here are two of my favorite excerpts...

Memorization of Scripture is one way of 'taking charge' of the contents of our conscious thoughts, and of feelings, beliefs, and actions that depend on them.  

Our life takes a godly and good direction when our mind is consciously occupied with God's written word.  Those words then increasingly eliminate the conscious mental contents that would surely lead us away from God...But when we take Scriptures in by memorization, the words of God also affect our lives far beyond our consciousness...through memorization God's words reside in our body, in our social environment in the constant orientation of our will and in the depths of our soul.  They become a power, a substance, that sustains and directs us without our even thinking of them, and they emerge into conscious thought and action as needed.

Lord - give me grace to see it...


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